KACT COND lrgsShef-raw
KACT COND 4 days
Generation Date/Time: 02-09-2025 12:14
For data in STAGE
For data in NAV88 STAGE
For data in ELEV (NAVD 88)
For 30 Day
Carlyle Lk TW-Kaskaskia COND
KACT COND lrgsShef-raw
NOTICE: All data contained herein is preliminary in nature and therefore subject to change. The data is for general information purposes ONLY and SHALL NOT be used in technical applications such as, but not limited to, studies or designs. All critical data should be obtained from and verified by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The United States Government assumes no liability for the completeness or accuracy of the data contained herein and any use of such data inconsistent with this disclaimer shall be solely at the risk of the user.