

  • We are proud to announce a new design concept for the restoration and/or enhancement of side channels on the...
  • We are proud to announce a new design concept for the restoration and/or enhancement of side channels on the Mississippi River. This new design was made...
  • The St. Louis Harbor, from Mile 192.0 to 172.0, is an important harbor on the Inland Waterway System for the navigation industry. This reach of the Middle Mississippi River...
  • The purpose of this study is restore the side channel by reducing the amount of bed load entering the chute and increasing the amount of flow. Also material resulting from dredging...
  • The purpose of this study is restore the side channel by reducing the amount of bed load entering the chute and increasing the amount of flow. Also material resulting from dredging...
  • Video illustrating effects of headcutting. Note the upstream moving wave of erosion of both the channel bottom and outer banks. The perpendicular structure represents grade control.
  • These are three flow visualization videos of Livingston Point. The first one shows the original video, the second one shows the same video but slowed down to 1/5...